Monday, October 02, 2006

My miraculous experience

I shall start with dreams, how dreams reveal secrets. I am sure all of us have experienced something similar. If you have, please hit the comment button and relate yours..

When I was in IIIrd grade, I had a missing composition book, I still remember clearly with a nice thick white cover on top. I missed it dearly and feared the consequences of not finding it. It was a huge mystery. I thought about it a lot. Hard to remember back, how long I missed it, but I speculate at least a few days. Nights, I would go to sleep wondering where the book was - as there were not too many worrisome things in those days. This was it...

One night, in my dreams I see that the notebook is in the attic. The next day, I go up there and there it was sitting exactly where I had seen it in my dream.

I don't suspect putting it there myself, I am pretty sure one of my brothers' had placed it there in spite. It is very uncanny that I discovered it sitting exactly where I saw it in my dreams.

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